Petaverse airdrop (BUSD) Nft

Petaverse token airdrop (BUSD) Nft

Petaverse Token airdrop (BUSD)
Total Reward: 5 NFTS + $1000 BUSD
Winners: 250 Random & Top 250
Distribution: within 10 days after winner announcement
🔹Complete the tasks
🔹Submit your BEP-20 wallet address
🔹Submit other details on the airdrop page.
🔹Top 250 winners will receive $2 BUSD each
🔹Top 5 winners will receive NFTs
🔹250 Random winners will receive $2 BUSD each
Note: This airdrop will end on 22nd January, winners will be announced on 30th January and rewards will be distributed to the winners BEP-20 wallet within 10 days after winner announcement.

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Airdrop End


Punam Sharma

Hi i am Punam sharma i am a blogger, digital creater and youtuber, works in website development, Videos creation, Article writing and more

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